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coyotemath is a multi-platform tool to perform calculations and to solve common problems in mathematics, finance, engineering, construction, statistics, and other fields.

coyotemath operates in multiple modes, for different levels of user. For the beginner and infrequent user, it employs questions with diagrams to determine the problem to be solved. For the specialist and advanced user, it understands the technical vocabulary appropriate to the problem domain. In any case, it will display, print, or export a summary of calculations, along with graphs or diagrams and the relevant formulae and equations, in a form which can be incorporated into a paper, report, design, or other document.

This is definitely a work-in-process! We'd rather go slow and get it right, than to rush something out the door. However, as pieces become available, we'll release them. In other words, it might be incomplete at any given time, but we're trying to make it correct.

It started as a test case for Ulterior Logic's software development products, and we decided to make it a product in its own right. (We want to test the extent to which the software development tools can support a common code base for a variety of run-time environments.) As development progresses, we'll make it available here for you to try. Ultimately, it we be sold in versions for desktop, tablet, and cell phone platforms. Feedback and suggestions are welcome: please send them to


coyotemath is a trademark of Ulterior Logic